Memory of Media, 2023, photo prints.

What does our media remember and how does our media change what we remember?

Presented alongside prints and audio by Andrew Thorne on the Trex Northwest wall at the Art Gallery of Grand Prairie.

Homes, renders of models , ongoing.


Celebration of Life, 2021,

Presented looping


Truck, 2021,

Presented looping without audio


Shelf Life, 2021, in collaboration with Carmen Belanger

 A multi-media installation featuring versions of  everyday objects on a shelf. These objects are simplified ceramic replicas of clumps of Belanger’s personal belongings. These clumps will have video projection mapped onto them. Each clump has a video of its skin cast onto it causing them to momentarily appear to be the real objects. Then one by one the object’s  skin will change to video and audio of a variety of environments and fragments of interviews. 

The video was generated from a series of conversations held between volunteers and facilitated Chambers. Through Zoom the two participants engage in a 30-minute conversation about the nature of loneliness and their experiences navigating it. Each side of these conversations is presented separately, out of order and often overlapping with other interviews. 


Cut-Outs, 2020 

A series of 12 thin plywood silhouettes. Each has a video of a person speaking mapped onto it. One frame from the video perfectly lines up with its respective silhouette. The video is altered through a code that chooses a random frame and displays it with a soundbite for a randomly generated amount of time within a scope of several minutes to less than a second. These videos are created by interviewing people in central Alberta about their lives from 18 to 30. With each interview only the video is used; the audio is not recorded.