The Break, 2023, AR app designed for the 2023 Works Art and Design Festival.
This project tells a short narrative about a man on a bench asking viewers to navigate through memory fragments situated in Churchill square. Although this work is best experienced in the square it can be viewed anywhere.
Audio Editing by David Clark and voiced by Andy Lamb
For iphone only.
Video stills from Whalefall
Whalefall, 2023, Interactive Fiction, in collaboration with David Clark.
This project is a touchscreen kiosk that displays 35 short videos in a non-linear order depending on how the viewer interacts with the kiosk.
The narrative follows three fictional characters and their experiences in West Edmonton mall, the self proclaimed “Greatest mall in North America”. It depicts how their relationship with the mall changes over time and examines the way we store memories in the spaces around us. It uses subtle sound design and atmospheric imagery to explore complex emotions such as nostalgia, love, and alienation, and is influenced by the language of film.
This work was part of a group exhibition called THE MALL curated by Carolyn Jervis and Hannah Quimper-swiderski for the Mitchell Art gallery at MacEwan University.
NonSpaces, 2021
This work is a series of 3D virtual environments (video game levels) that are projected onto a wall with a game controller that viewers are encouraged to use. Each environment is based on a physical space with a structure at its center such as a large concrete bridge over a river bed that many frequent, a cylindrical building covered in asphalt that serves an unknown industrial purpose, a rotting wooden structure overlooking a sickly wet land. These spaces have been made into stylized virtual versions with four walls around them. Each wall has a video of the real structures surrounding it. This work i projected onto a wall, the shape of the projection is the outline of each structure from a specific viewpoint. The viewer uses the game controller to navigate the scene, if they line up the structure with the shape of the projector, the game loads the next structure.
Minimum Wage, 2018
Installed at The Halifax International Airport.
While the button is released the glass is opaque concealing the artwork inside. If a viewer presses the button the glass becomes clear and they can view the artwork. While the button is pressed 18 cents per minute (minimum wage in Nova Scotia) is added to the sale value of the artwork. The artwork for this installation is Hatched Head 14/100. in Graphite, by Gavin Petersen.
Scripted Conversations, Book Works 2019
These books are meant to be read aloud to someone you care about, can stand, hate or don’t know, but never alone.
Listen to the sound of the other person's voice.
Alternate readers each page, the person with odd numbers starts.
This work is installed with a wireless keyboard with which viewers are encouraged to interact with. When each letter key is pressed a different part of the the conversation is displayed.
Here is a link to an interactive web version:
2018, Text Based Game in Notepad ++
It follows the methods of a role-playing game to describe a way of thinking. It uses vague situations to question the viewer, then expects the viewer to respond choosing an outcome from the limited options presented.
This is how I’m supposed to be, 2017
Viewers are asked to flick 5 switches then the master switch to possibly receive enlightenment.